​The Hardest Working Woman in Whittier, Maggie Moe
From the Campaign of Magdalena Barragnon Moe
April 10, 2024
Dear Friends,
I would like to sincerely congratulate my opponent and new Whittier City Council Member, Mary Ann Pacheco, on her victory. On behalf of myself and all of the candidates running for election to serve District One, I look forward to uniting behind Council Member Pacheco to restore justice and serve the needs of our community.
I look forward to continuing the efforts to make certain that Council District One receives its fair share of municipal resources. God willing, we will unite to continue to fight for everything that makes our community great!
I wish success and good fortune to our newly elected Council Member, Pacheco. Mary Ann, you can count on me to stand by you when you need my help!
Your Friend and Constituent, Magdalena Barragnon Moe
Congratulations on your win!
Sincerely Yours,
Magdalena Barragnon Moe
Maggie is Endorsed by:
Congressperson Grace Napolitano
Doris Lau (Vice President of NTEU)
Feel the Bern and Stonewall of LA County
LA Homeowners and Renters Association
The Hardest Working Woman in Whittier, Maggie Moe
Hello, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Magdalena Barragnon Moe, and I humbly ask for your support and vote on April 9, 2024, for City Council District 1. Since High School, I have been involved in the Community - for over 45 years. A short list of my recent involvement over the last few years includes:
Whittier Sunrise Rotary - President
Whittier Regional Symphony - Vice President
East Whittier Music and Art Foundation - Board Member
Whittier for Concerned Citizens - President​
My Vision for Whittier
Whittier Base Employment Plan
Any business that doest business within the city of Whittier that hires 5 or more full time employees or 7 or more part timers shall hire 15% or more of the residents of Whittier. Or 15% thereafter the City itself shall employ a minimum of 30% of the residents of Whittier
Family Day Care
Any working family who earns $39,000 a year or less shall be provided with day care service
Increase the Manpower in Public Works
Increase to full staffing of Public Works and update and modernize all equipment for more efficiency, for faster results in our community
Develop a Commission on Aging
The Commission shall act in the interests of the elderly on all issues that pertain to the elderly
Develop a Commision on Ethics
The Ethics Commission has the authority and power to investigate, charge and collect a levy. All departments within the city. The Ethics Department has the authority to any entity who wishes to do business with the city over $1,000 must register with the Ethics Commission (this includes consultants and agents acting on behalf of others) - and includes individuals who wish to do business.
Medical and Housing
Able to provide medical resources to the community and must provide low cost housing for poor or low income families. It must have a plan for emergencies.
Districts Guarantee Funding
The city should have equal funding for each District. Any District falling into disrepair shall apply for more resources out of the general fund.
Environmental Commissioner
Create a stwardship and preservation of the City and our natural resources by seeking out emerging issues and developing long term policies regarding goverment, our citizens and stakeholders, buidling awareness about the issues. Promote sustainable environmental development.
Traffic Commission
Whittier does not have a Traffic Commission! It will help to review traffic issues and recommend changes or modifications to the City Council.
Citizen Committee on Homeless
The committee must put an action plan together within 90 days of its development.
Maggie has built a successful business, raised a family and exercised a lifetime of service to the community of Whittier
Maggie served as the former President and continues to serve as a current Board Member of the Whittier Sunrise Rotary
Maggie has proudly worked with the Whittier Regional Symphony
Maggie has worked with the Whittier Voter Coalition​